CGN delivers PSR report on Hualong One design to GNS
  • Updated:2017-08-09
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  China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) delivered the preliminary safety report (PSR) on the Hualong One (HPR1000) design to General Nuclear System Ltd (GNS), the owner of its projects in the UK, on July 28.

  It marks a key step in CGN’s key tasks relating to the generic design assessments (GDA) process in 2017, since GNS will review the report and then submit it to the British authorities for official assessment.

  According to the British authorities, the GDA process is divided into four phases. CGN began the first phase on Jan 19, 2017 and will continue to follow and support GNS and British authorities on the assessment, hoping to complete the initial phase before mid-October.(from CGN)